Apple Diem

Apple Diem

• The world’s most concentrated, laboratory grade extract of unripe green apple skins

• Important for patients who need to lose weight
• Good for patients trying to stop and reverse hair loss
• Targets patients who need more energy
• Supports patients with eczema, allergies, and asthma
• A “core” must-have supplement for anti-aging, longevity
• Great for patients suffering with migraines
• Extensively studied by researchers in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and India

This product can only be purchased by patients.



• The world’s most concentrated, laboratory grade extract of unripe green apple skins

• Important for patients who need to lose weight
• Good for patients trying to stop and reverse hair loss
• Targets patients who need more energy
• Supports patients with eczema, allergies, and asthma
• A “core” must-have supplement for anti-aging, longevity
• Great for patients suffering with migraines
• Extensively studied by researchers in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and India

“Just as sure as the Lord made little green apples” (Professor Harold Hill, The Music Man), Apple Diem may be the most important, health-enhancing nutritional supplement you will ever take.

We grew up hearing that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and this turns out to be true…sort of.
USDA researchers have shown that eating foods rich in antioxidants can slow diseases associated with aging. Gram-for-gram, unripe apple skin extracts are the richest source of antioxidants of any natural food source.
In research experiments, apples have consistently demonstrated the most beneficial health effects on every major human disease studied. This health benefit comes from nutrients in apples called polyphenols.

However, apple polyphenols are super concentrated only in unripe green apple skins and there are precious few antioxidants in the skin of sweet, red mature apples that most people eat.

The skins of unripe green apples contain more than 10 times the amount of beneficial apple polyphenols than mature, ripe apples. Immature green apples are far too bitter for humans to eat, but the extract from the skins of these apples contains the powerful polyphenols that have amazed scientists in over 100 research studies…no side effects, no downside, no dose too strong.

And more of this extract is in every capsule of Apple Diem than any other supplement on the market today. Each capsule of Apple Diem contains the amount of polyphenols that would be found in 297 red delicious apples! That’s the equivalent of nearly 18,000 apples in every bottle.

Apple polyphenols provide tremendous anti-aging support because they reduce oxidative stress which is the process that drives age-related diseases. Studies of apple intake have shown a reduction in deadly and disabling diseases including dementia, heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and overall death from ANY reason…that’s right, ANY reason…just from apples
An apple-a-day doesn’t just keep the doctor away; it keeps the mortician away, too.

Scientists have demonstrated that the life of mammals can be extended in the research lab by boosting certain key anti-aging enzyme systems. These enzymes help the body to repair and defend itself, two critically important tasks for living a long, healthy life.

Catalase is one of the three most important anti-aging enzymes your body is already making. Researchers have shown that higher blood levels of catalase allows for a longer lifespan in mammals. In these experiments, apple polyphenols can sufficiently boost catalase to extend life 20%-50% in lab animal studies, the human equivalent of 24 – 50 years life extension.

Bottom Line: Catalase has been proven to extend lifespan in mammals and apple polyphenols have been proven to increase catalase in research studies.

Apple polyphenols also increase glutathione (a critical liver antioxidant) and Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), another one of the three key anti-aging enzymes in humans.

The polyphenols in Apple Diem have also been shown to cause weight loss in laboratory experiments. Japanese researchers found that rats fed apple polyphenols lost 27% more organ (belly) fat and had increased muscular strength by 16% as compared to the placebo fed group.

Apple Diem also targets patients with cancer concerns. Laboratory studies demonstrate that apple polyphenol extracts can inhibit the growth of colon, breast, prostate, skin, and liver cancer cell lines. American researchers conducting studies on rats demonstrated a 17% reduction in breast cancer risk with the supplement equivalent of one apple a day and an astounding 44% reduction with the supplement equivalent of six apples a day.

For men with chronic prostatitis, supplementing with apple polyphenols has been shown to substantially better than placebo treatments.

For patients with allergies, asthma and eczema, the polyphenols found in Apple Diem are very important. As compared to any other fruit, only the regular consumption of apples is associated with improved lung function and a reduced incidence of asthma. A Japanese human trial demonstrated a reduction in allergy symptoms when patients were supplemented with apple polyphenols starting two weeks before allergy season. A clinical trial on human patients with eczema taking unripe apple skin extracts saw improvement in skin inflammation, itching, redness, sleep disturbance, and allergy blood tests.

Laboratory experiments also suggest apple polyphenols are important for patients looking to reduce the intestinal immune response to foods.

Apples may even lower blood cholesterol levels. Human clinical data and laboratory research studies both show that apples can reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL), increase healthy cholesterol (HDL), and lower oxidized LDL, the most dangerous, plaque-causing form of cholesterol.

Who knew!?!

Since only the apple skins have concentrated polyphenols, products like apple sauce and apple juice have very little of the polyphenols’ health benefits. Any processing of the ripe apples (canning, juices, pulverizing, dehydrating) also lowers the polyphenol concentration because these super nutrients are very delicate. There is still some benefit in eating fresh, ripe apples but not as much as is predicted from the research studies based on unripe apple skin extracts. You have to eat a lot of mature, ripe apples with the skin (nearly every day) to get enough of the polyphenol extracts.

This is why scientists use these extracts and not the actual fruit when conducting experiments.
Still another reason that getting the maximal benefit of apples requires supplementation comes from a study conducted at The Linus Pauling Institute. Research at the Institute suggested that the natural sugar in apples further interferes with the absorption of polyphenols when you eat apples as compared to the amount of polyphenols which is available from special apple extracts such as that found in Apple Diem which contain no sugar, only concentrated polyphenols.

Additionally, according to Italian researchers, most ripe apples sold in grocery chains are cold stored for months. Unfortunately, this practice also substantially reduces the apple skin polyphenol content. So, whenever possible, buy your apples directly from farmers at your local Farmers’ Market.

Eat well. Live healthy. Take Apple Diem.

Michael Hirt, MD

Product Handout

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