Bounce Back

• Support for patients with Adrenal Fatigue
• Important for patients looking for a natural energy boost
• Targets patients with stress-related burnout

On the go, eating on the run, little sleep, and little time. Illnesses that linger. Recovery that is prolonged and incomplete. These are some of the causes and consequences of being stressed out.

This product can only be purchased by patients.



• Support for patients with Adrenal Fatigue
• Important for patients looking for a natural energy boost
• Targets patients with stress-related burnout

On the go, eating on the run, little sleep, and little time. Illnesses that linger. Recovery that is prolonged and incomplete. These are some of the causes and consequences of being stressed out.

Left untreated, this condition will shut your body down. It will force you to stop doing what you want and start paying attention to the body you are taking for granted.

This condition is called Adrenal Fatigue (or Burnout).

Your adrenals are a pair on triangular-shaped organs that sit atop the kidneys and produce life-sustaining hormones. They are part of the special “fight or flight” hormone response system. Without adrenal function, you would die within hours of total body collapse.

By pushing ourselves beyond safe levels and without recovery time, many of us get dangerously close to this edge.

Bounce Back contains adrenal hormones and nutritive herbs that targets patients wanting support for a stressed-out body (which needs more adrenal hormones right away) and over-spent adrenals.

Fatigue is the most common reason people come to see doctors, and weak adrenals is almost always one of the contributors, even if it is not the primary cause.

If illness or a “go-go” lifestyle are putting you at risk for Adrenal Fatigue or if you are already there, Bounce Back was designed specifically with your needs in mind.

Adrenal Fatigue means just that: your adrenals are “tired” and are not supporting you fully. The adrenals secrete many hormones, best known among these is cortisol. Cortisol is an important hormone (you cannot live more than a few hours without it). Its primary purpose is to turbo-charge our energy output by directly stimulating cells to work harder and by maximizing the effectiveness of other hormones.

The adrenals do not have an inexhaustible supply of hormones. You can overtax your adrenals which will leave you feeling washed-out and spent. Bounce Back is a combination of adrenal extract (the source of natural cortisol) and herbs that help to nourish the adrenals back to full power.

Bounce Back is an important component of a complete adrenal recovery program, and part of this program has to include proper rest, proper nutrition, and stress reduction. If you ignore the first, telltale signs of adrenal burnout and persist in pushing your body and mind hard, then you are setting yourself up for a much harder fall.

Your body is wise, but it does not function independently of the mind. Stress is the cause or exacerbant of most diseases and requires you to take action to reduce or neutralize it, especially when your adrenals start to buckle under the pressure. Mental stress causes all of the same biological responses as physical stress and is thus equally damaging to the body. Take care to heal both the mind and the body when stress gets out of control.

Bounce Back can be an important cornerstone in this vital effort

Product Handout

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