

Homeopathic Cardiac Support

• Homeopathic remedy for patients with heart palpitations and arrhythmias
• Important support for patients with heart irregularities and chest pain spasms
• Good for patients with anxieties, worry, and psychic unrest
• Great for patients looking to calm chest pains not related to coronary artery disease
• Targets symptoms triggered by caffeine in coffee and teas

This product can only be purchased by patients.


Homeopathic Cardiac Support

• Homeopathic remedy for patients with heart palpitations and arrhythmias

• Important support for patients with heart irregularities and chest pain spasms
• Good for patients with anxieties, worry, and psychic unrest
• Great for patients looking to calm chest pains not related to coronary artery disease
• Targets symptoms triggered by caffeine in coffee and teas

coro-CALM is a natural remedy for heart rhythm irregularities and chest pains not related to arteriosclerosis. Think of coro-CALM as gentle sedative for an unsettled heart. This therapeutic is made in the spagyric tradition which is a four centuries old homeopathic manufacturing process. Spagyric homeopathy involves an intricate four-part procedure which includes fermenting the herbs to create an herbal “wine.” Through this unique process, the inherent energy and full-spectrum healing properties of the herb are retained in the final product. A natural by-product of fermentation is alcohol, and coro-CALM includes this naturally-derived alcohol which is used to extract the healing nutrients from each of the ingredients.

Your brain is directly hard-wired to your heart, so thoughts of worry, stress, and anxiety can quickly and directly affect the rate and rhythm of your heart beat. Patients can also experience chest pains and pressure that are caused by disturbing thoughts but feel exactly the same as a heart attack would. Your stressed, worried and fearful disposition also sets in motion a cascade of fight-or-flight hormones that pour into your blood stream and then directly stimulate your heart, sometimes uncomfortably so.

The spagyrically prepared herbs in coro-CALM work to support patients looking to relax the irritated heart muscle that causes uncomfortable palpitations and chest pains. coro-CALM also offers an “antidote” for the stimulation caused by caffeine from coffee and tea. When experiencing abnormal heart symptoms, it is important to discontinue your caffeine use so that coro-CALM can be maximally effective as a homeopathic remedy. Additionally, learning how to moderate your response to stress should be the focus of anyone with stress related symptoms because where your thoughts go…so goes your health.

Usual Dosage: Take 15 – 20 drops directly in the mouth or diluted in two ounces of room temperature water, three times daily, preferably on an empty stomach. Wait at least three minutes before taking other remedies or medications.

Product Handout

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