To the Rescue of Tummy Troubles
• Natural zinc complex
• Relieves the symptoms of upset stomach, bloating, indigestion, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, belching, and burping
• Important for patients looking to protect and soothe irritated stomach and intestinal tissues
• Works like an internal “Band-Aid”
The human stomach is constantly under assault from bad food, bad medicines, and bad bacteria. These enemies of good intestinal health affect up to 40% of Americans daily.
Many of the prescription and over-the-counter treatments for stomach upset do not treat the cause of the problem but rather treat the symptoms. By not addressing the cause, these drugs create an imbalance which leads to unwanted side effects.
G.I. GEMS supports patients who want to treat the cause of many intestinal symptoms.
G.I. GEMS contains a complex of zinc carnosine in a chewable tablet. Both the zinc and the carnosine molecules are important to the effectiveness of G.I. GEMS. This natural complex binds to damaged intestinal tissues, forming a barrier against irritation. Zinc carnosine also targets patients looking to directly soothe inflamed tissues and reduce pain.
G.I. GEMS has natural antibacterial properties to deal with the overgrowth of specific bad bacteria in the gut.
In Japan, the ingredients of G.I. GEMS are available only by prescription which is a testament to the reliability of zinc carnosine.
Usual Dosage: Chew one or two tablets with or after meals three times daily until symptoms subside. Then use one to two tablets daily for maintenance.
Product Handout
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