• Herbal support for patients with stomach and intestinal distress
• Important for patients with GERD and heartburn
• Targets the symptoms of intestinal gas, bloating, indigestion, and Candida
• Helps patients looking to restore healthy gut function
• Safe and non-habit forming
Tummy troubles are a big problem in the U.S., and Americans spend some $25 million dollars on acid blocking and reducing medicines. Poor diet choices, fast food, spicy foods, and food allergies all contribute to our society’s giant case of indigestion.
Avoiding food allergies and eating nourishing foods are the first step toward healing your gut. Just taking acid blockers and antacids keeps you on the illness treadmill indefinitely.
Gastro Clear is a blend of herbs that helps support every inch of your intestinal tract and helps support every step of the digestive process. From heartburn and GERD to gas and bloating, Gastro Clear has your tummy covered, and can also be used to transition off of prescription medications, like acid blockers and antacids.
Not sure if Gastro Clear can help? Take this quiz. Score one (1) point for every YES answer.
1. Eat fast food?
2. Eat at restaurants (Mexican, Indian, Italian)?
3. Eat fried foods?
4. Eat breads?
5. Eat desserts?
6. Crave sweets?
7. Get intestinal bloating?
8. Have foul gas?
9. Get heartburn or GERD?
10. Have fewer than two bowel movements daily?
11. Regularly use antacids and acid blocking medications?
12. Have Candida/yeast problems?
13. Drink soda or coffee?
14. Complain of intermittent or constant right elbow pain?
Calculate your score.
0-1 Gut is probably healthy
2+ Gut is out of balance, Gastro Clear appropriate
Any YES to questions 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12… Gastro Clear appropriate.
Usual Dosage: For prevention when eating suspect/known food triggers, take two (2) tablets before or after each meal, snack or “diet cheat.” For patients who get occasional symptoms, take three (3) tablets on waking, two (2) tablets with each meal, and three (3) tablets at bedtime. For patients with regular symptoms, take five (5) tablets on waking in the morning, five (5) tablets before each meal, two (2) tablets after each meal, and five (5) tablets at bedtime.
Product Handout
Download the product handout here.