Happy Jacks
• Natural mineral, lithium orotate, found in the Earth’s crust
• Support for patients wanting a healthy mood and brain
• Low dose lithium helps support balanced mood
• Addresses concerns of Alzheimer-causing plaque
• Targets patients with depression and anxiety
Happy Jacks contains natural lithium, an abundant mineral found in the Earth’s crust. Lithium is detectable in every body organ, particularly in the brain and kidneys. Our food and water naturally contain small amounts of lithium, and we all typically ingest up to 3mg of lithium daily from our diets.
In areas where there are naturally low levels of lithium in the ground and water supplies, research shows that community members suffer more mental health problems and that there are more patients admitted to mental hospitals, more suicides, more homicides and more crimes committed per capita.
Scientists believe that lithium has a natural calming effect on humans and is necessary in small amounts for good mental health.
Lithium Orotate is naturally derived lithium and contains 4.8mg of lithium per tablet, just slightly more than the upper range of intake through food and water. For comparison, the prescription dose of synthetic lithium is 900mg daily.
Patients with mild to moderate mood problems have enjoyed the safety and effectiveness of natural Lithium Orotate. Lithium Orotate is not habit forming and can be discontinued when necessary.
Patients concerned with healthy aging and Alzheimer risk reduction can use one or two doses of Lithium Orotate daily.
Product Handout
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