Heal Rosacea

Heal Rosacea

This product can only be purchased by patients.


Healing Natural Oils


  • A blend of essential oils to support healthy, beautiful skin


  • Targets the bacteria that cause red bumps and pustules
  • Targets skin redness and red flushing
  • Important for patients that need fast and effective results
  • Organic and Natural:  no pesticides, chemicals, or drugs


Rosacea is a disease with many triggers.  For some patients diet, alcohol, hormones, stress, medication, sun exposure, and toxicity (or all of these) can lead to rosacea.
But no matter the trigger, you would have no red bumps, pustules or bright red skin without bacteria creating the skin infection that leads to rosacea.

Heal Rosacea has proven activity against the bacteria that cause rosacea.  No bad bacteria…less rosacea.

For maximum effectiveness, Heal Rosacea should be used as directed and in combination with gentle, daily detoxification.  Rosacea-causing bacteria consume the toxins released from your skin, and they need this fuel to thrive in your red bumps and pustules.  Without this toxic “meal,” the bacteria would not have enough fuel to cause rosacea.  This is why regular “internal” cleansing (detox) is important to having consistently beautiful skin.

To further minimize the progression of your rosacea and maximize the clinical results of Heal Rosacea follow these important tips:

  • Avoid hot drinks, spicy foods, caffeine and alcoholic beverages
  • Work on minimizing your emotional response to stress
  • Avoid the sun and limit your exposure to sunlight by staying in the shade, wearing a broad brimmed hat (brim at least 3 inches), and using a good, non-comedogenic sun block (SPF 30) to protect against UVA and UBA rays
  • Avoid extreme temperatures whether hot or cold as these can make your symptoms worse
  • Exercise in a cool environment and be careful not to overheat
  • Be careful about cleansing and applying makeup to your face. Clean your face twice a day, using a gentle cleanser. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing, scrubbing or massaging the face and avoid cosmetics and facial products that contain alcohol, menthol or eucalyptus oil. If you use a hair spray, be careful to avoid contact with your face
  • Do not put cortisone creams on your face.  These creams may help initially but will eventually make the rosacea worse

Healing time will vary from one to several weeks.  This is a process, but it is important that you do not miss applications.
Skin test oils for irritation before using.  Simply apply one drop on the inside of your arm and wait one hour.
*Discontinue use if irritation occurs

Instructions for use:
Tilt the bottle at a 45 degree angle and patiently allow one to two drops to come out.  Turn upright and repeat for another drop.

How to Apply:
Apply directly to the condition three times per day.  If you are unable to apply midday; do so early morning, evening and again before bed.  Use one drop of formula on your finger or on a Q-tip and dab onto the affected area, three times a day.  Do not saturate.  We also recommend massaging a drop of formula under each foot, three times per day, this allows the formula to be directly absorbed into the immune system to promote healing.

What to Expect:
Visible rosacea outbreaks will diminish over time.  Everyone is different and healing time varies.  Be patient and do not miss any applications.  Using Heal Rosacea together with a healthy diet and exercise increase the lymphatic flow and assists in healing.

Note: Heal Rosacea can also be used as a preventative.  Simply massage a drop under each foot twice daily to prevent future breakouts.

Product Handout

Download the product handout here.