• Herbal support for liver health and detoxification
• Targets patients looking to deep clean the liver and gallbladder
• Important for patients feeling toxic and bloated
• Supports patients with liver-related symptoms (Take quiz printed below)
Your liver is your fourth most important (and neglected) organ, after the brain, heart, and lungs in that order. You can only live a matter of hours without your liver, and those few hours would not be pretty.
Here are just a few critical facts about your liver:
• Weighs one pound
• Cleanses the blood
• Breaks down toxic substances
• Metabolizes every morsel of food you swallow
• Synthesizes vitamins
• Stores and distributes iron and blood sugar
• Balances emotions
• Key component of immune system
• Performs thousands of vital functions every hour
To really get a handle on just what your liver does for you 24/7, imagine that you have to be a gardener, chemist, garbage man, housekeeper, soldier, forklift operator, and grocery store clerk…all at the same time.
Now, imagine that you are six months behind in your work!
Our “go-go” lifestyle adds a terribly toxic burden to the liver because every day we ingest, inhale, and absorb countless sticky, foreign, useless, and dangerous chemicals that need to be neutralized and dumped. These are man-made chemicals and poisons that the human body was never designed to handle as we evolved long before the first barrel of dioxin was dumped onto the Earth’s surface.
The Chinese noted over 4000 years ago that as your liver goes, so go your emotions. When the liver is hot and toxic, so are your emotions. Suddenly, we see things that were “right” are now “wrong.” Tiny problems become huge ones. Patience is a forgotten virtue, and your fuse gets shorter and shorter. When the liver is healthy and balanced, then you are calm and relaxed.
These emotional stirrings may be one of your first signs of a toxic liver that needs support and cleansing. There are many other signs of an over-burdened, toxic liver.
Take this quiz to gauge your liver’s health.
Give yourself one (1) point for every symptom you have.
Add the points up and then review your score.
• Abnormal liver blood tests/CT scan/Ultrasound
• Right shoulder stiffness, tightness or soreness?
• Irritable or stressed?
• Fuzzy or foggy vision?
• Headaches?
• Poor concentration or focus?
• Itchy, irritated, red or dry eyes?
• Insomnia, restless sleep?
• Fed up with people/places/things or have little patience?
• Hot flashes?
• Dry, bad, burning, irritated, or red skin?
• A constant itch that never goes away?
• Muddled or muddy thinking?
• Overwhelming moods or emotions?
• Gallbladder flare ups or issues?
• Any use/craving of alcohol?
• Nose, sinus or chest congestion?
• Acne, boils, rashes or breakouts?
• Wound up and ready to explode?
• Bothered by answering these questions?
Count your “YES” answers and score accordingly.
0-2 Excellent liver health
3-6 Help is recommended.
7+ Serious liver issues, needs to be resolved.
While Liver Brite is natural medicine, it is also strong medicine and needs to be used properly because of its powerful energy.
Your goal is to take this product at the highest possible dose that does not cause any side effects or detox reactions such as drowsiness, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, worsening skin rashes, etc. If you experience any of these “detox reaction” symptoms, then reduce the dose to the last effective amount that caused no side effects. Stay at this dose for one to two weeks before again trying to increase the dose.
Start with half of the recommended dose on the label and gradually increase (as tolerated) to the maximum dose by adding an additional tablet every three to four days.
Product Handout
Download the product handout here.