
• Herbal blend that supports normal, healthy estrogen metabolism in men and women

• Important for patients with:

o Uterine Fibroids
o Breast cysts
o Ovarian cysts
o Prostate problems
o Estrogen metabolism issues
o Stubborn belly fat

This product can only be purchased by patients.



• Herbal blend that supports normal, healthy estrogen metabolism in men and women

• Important for patients with:

o Uterine Fibroids
o Breast cysts
o Ovarian cysts
o Prostate problems
o Estrogen metabolism issues
o Stubborn belly fat

• Targets patients with Estrogen Dominance symptoms

o Breast tenderness
o Cold hands, feet
o Mood swings
o Low sex drive
o Insomnia
o Slow metabolism
o Hair loss
o Prostate problems and cancer
o Male breast development

Myomin is a clinically tested natural supplement which has been used for its effectiveness in estrogen metabolism.

Both men and women make estrogen and need estrogen for optimal health. Problems occur when either men or women make too much estrogen relative to other sex hormones, such as progesterone (in women) and testosterone (in men). In both sexes, “estrogen dominance” is the medical term used to describe the symptoms and diseases that occur when the body makes too much estrogen.

In women, estrogen dominance causes a number of very stubborn and difficult to treat problems which include cold hands and feet, breast cysts/tenderness, PMS, hair loss, slow metabolism, difficulty losing weight, low sex drive, cysts (breast, ovary), and mood swings.

In men, estrogen dominance causes an enlargement of the prostate, increased risk of prostate cancer, belly fat, and male breast enlargement/development.

Myomin specifically targets the enzyme (called aromatase) that creates estrogen dominance in men and women. By reducing the effectiveness of this enzyme, excess estrogen production will be brought back to normal healthy levels.

In addition, Myomin also lowers the effects of excess estrogen by blocking estrogen from overstimulating the body. So, even though the excess estrogen is circulating in the blood, it is prevented from projecting its full effect. This is also important for patients with estrogen dependent tumors (such as Breast and Uterine cancers) who need options to block estrogen from stimulating further tumor growth or aggressivity.

After men and women make estrogen in their bodies, it is transported to the liver to be metabolized. This breakdown of estrogen can create healthy metabolites that are protective of disease or can create unhealthy metabolites that increase the risk of disease. A variety of factors help to determine whether your liver will turn estrogen into healthy compounds or dangerous ones. Myomin supports normal liver function to promote more healthy estrogen metabolites. These healthy metabolites support optimal health and reduce risks of cancer and disease in men and women.

Myomin is especially important for men and women taking hormones or experiencing the effects of estrogen dominance, and therefore, Myomin should be a foundational component of their supplement regimen.

Usual Dosage: Take two to three capsules with or after meals twice daily.

Product Handout

Download the product handout here.