pH Prime (Heart-Lung-Body)

Pulm Plus (Heart-Lung-Body)


• Herbal cleanse formula for heart and lungs
• Supports optimal total body acid-base balance

• Unique formula for patients wanting to detox heart and lung tissues
• Important for patients trying to alkalinize body pH


This product can only be purchased by patients.


pH Prime

• Herbal cleanse formula for heart and lungs
• Supports optimal total body acid-base balance

• Unique formula for patients wanting to detox heart and lung tissues
• Important for patients trying to alkalinize body pH

After your brain, your heart and lungs are your second and third most important organs, respectively. Like all of your other organs and tissues, your heart and lungs need to be regularly cleansed, too. Most people are familiar with kidney, liver and colon cleansing but are not sure how to clean the heart and liver tissue.
Your heart and lungs are like any other complex, mission critical machines. They need regular care, maintenance, and cleaning or they will fail prematurely.

How often would you schedule routine maintenance for a machine that annually pumps 600,000 gallons of blood by beating 35 million times per year through 60,000 miles of tubing (length of all blood vessels if laid end-to-end)…and is the size of your fist?

When was the last time you detoxed your heart? lungs? Probably never. So, are you at all surprised that heart disease remains America’s number one cause of death.

And if pH Prime only cleaned your heart and lung tissue, it would be a fantastic remedy, but this herbal blend also helps you with acid-base balance.

pH Prime is a specially formulated herbal blend to support heart and lung cleansing while simultaneously regulating your total body pH into the healthy alkaline range. pH stands for “potential Hydrogen.” Hydrogen is a common element that is found throughout the universe. The pH scale stretches from extreme acidity at 0 to total alkalinity at 14.

You can use the pH scale to determine if your body is more acidic or more alkaline. Experts agree that the human body is more likely to be healthy and stay healthy when the body’s pH is slightly more alkaline than neutral 7.0.

pH Prime helps your body maintain the healthy acid-base balance necessary for vibrant health maintenance and recovery.

Take this quiz to see if you need pH Prime. Score one (1) point for every YES answer.

1. Eat cooked food?
2. Eat fast food?
3. Do not chew food thoroughly?
4. Crave or eat candy and sugary treats?
5. Have a saliva pH below 6.5?
6. Have a urine pH below 6.8?
7. Suffer from low energy?
8. Have a nagging body issue/illness that will not resolve?
9. Drink alcohol?
10. Drinks coffee?
11. Crave or use salt?
12. Use anti-inflammatory or other over-the-counter drugs?
13. Eat fewer than 3 daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables?
14. Use tobacco in any form?

Score your YES points
0-1 Healthy
2+ Need pH balancing and Heart-Lung cleansing

Usual Dosage: Take two (2) to five (5) tablets four times daily: on waking, mid morning, mid afternoon, and bedtime. Adjust your dosage higher to maintain a healthy pH when testing with nitrazine paper. Nitrazine paper can be found at any drug store and will change color when wet to indicate the pH of that fluid (typically saliva or urine). Aim for a pH greater than 6.8 (urine) and 6.5 (saliva) to maintain and recover optimal health.

Product Handout

Download the product handout here.