

Kidney Detoxification

• Homeopathic medicine for kidney detoxification

• Important for kidney cleansing, support and those on prescription meds
• Supports patients with abnormal kidney blood and urine testing
• Good for patients with High Blood Pressure
• Core supplement for Foundational Healing
• Targets patients with any of the following kidney symptoms:

This product can only be purchased by patients.


Kidney Detoxification

• Homeopathic medicine for kidney detoxification

• Important for kidney cleansing, support and those on prescription meds
• Supports patients with abnormal kidney blood and urine testing
• Good for patients with High Blood Pressure
• Core supplement for Foundational Healing
• Targets patients with any of the following kidney symptoms:

 Fluid retention, puffiness
 Arthritis, sore joints
 Sore muscles
 Poor energy, fatigue
 Intense sweet cravings
 Frequent urination
 Ringing in the ears
 Dizziness
 Meat cravings
 Infertility
 Left shoulder pain
 Ankle pain
 Gout


RENELIX is a German homeopathic medicine that supports kidney detoxification. This remedy uses an ancient manufacturing process first developed by the famous Swiss physician healer, Paracelsus. This process is called “spagyrism” and involves an intricate four-part procedure which includes fermenting the herbs.

Through this unique spagyric process, the inherent energy of the herb is retained in the final product. A natural by-product of fermentation is alcohol and RENELIX includes this naturally-derived alcohol in the final product.

RENELIX is a time-tested homeopathic remedy to support the kidney’s important work of internal detoxification. If you want to retain or recover your good health, proper kidney support (such as RENELIX) must be part of your personal Foundational Healing regimen.

You create good health as you do a good house: on a firm and secure foundation. In building your house, you use all of the best materials that you can afford. You keep the house in good repair and it will shelter you all the days of your life. Your body is no different.

This is Foundational Healing.

In the final analysis, all non-traumatic human illness and disease is the result of retained toxins. The old saying was, “you are what you eat,” and this has been supplanted by “you are what you do not excrete.” Environmental and metabolic toxins that we take in (eat, drink, breathe, and absorb) accumulate in our bodies and weaken our natural defenses.

We must remove the toxins to maintain and restore health. As the second most important detoxification organ after the liver, the kidney filters the blood and removes toxins through the urine. As such, our toxic world and lifestyle frequently overwhelms the kidney’s innate ability to keep us clean.

When the kidney cannot get rid of all the toxins it filters, those toxins build up in the kidney and in other parts of our body. Wherever the toxins reside in the body, they cause symptoms and disease. For example, when the toxins accumulate in the joints, patients will experience joint pain and over time that intermittent pain becomes the constant pain of arthritis.

The kidneys regulate all of the fluids in the body to include the fluid in the eyes, blood, saliva, tears, sweat and urine. When the kidneys are toxic or overwhelmed, those fluids quickly start to back up and the toxins in the fluids accumulate in the organs, causing symptoms and disease.

While RENELIX is a homeopathic medicine, it is also a strong medicine and needs to be used properly because of its powerful energy.

Your goal is to take this product at the highest possible dose that does not cause any side effects or detox reactions such as drowsiness, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, skin rash, etc. Do not exceed the maximum recommended dose of 15 to 20 drops three times daily.

Start with two (2) drops of RENELIX twice daily. Increase the dose by two more drops twice daily every four (4) or so days. If you experience any “detox reaction” symptoms (such as increased fatigue, headache, skin rashes, drowsiness, etc), then reduce the dose to the last effective amount that caused no side effects. Stay at this dose for two weeks before again trying to increase the dose.

Place the drops of RENELIX in a small glass with one ounce of water. Swirl the mixture gently and then hold the dose in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. If you are taking more than one homeopathic remedy from Pekana, you can add them to the same glass and take them together. These products are best consumed first thing in the morning on waking and then at night before bedtime.

Use these remedies at least 15 minutes before breakfast and at least 15 minutes after dinner (though two hours after dinner would be best).

Remember that it is better to take them imperfectly then not to take them at all…because as powerful as these remedies are, they work only in your body and not in the bottle.

If you are able to get to the maximum recommended dose of 15 to 20 drops two to three times daily while still using the same bottle of RENELIX, then you have successfully completed a round of kidney detoxification if you finish this bottle while at the maximum dose.

After completing one bottle, you can take a break to evaluate the health of your kidneys or select another of our kidney detox protocols.

If you have finished one bottle of RENELIX but have NOT reached the maximum recommended dosage, then you need to get another bottle and continue to gradually increase the dosage until you do. To stop premature of the maximum dose means that your kidney is still toxic and your good health is still at risk.

Plan to cycle through one bottle of RENELIX every year to keep your kidneys happy and healthy… I do.

As RENELIX does contain a small amount of homeopathic alcohol, it should not be used by persons with a history of alcohol abuse or those at risk for alcohol abuse.

Product Handout

Download the product handout here.