Scalp Sprout

This product can only be purchased by patients.



  • Super concentrated apple skin extract that supports hair growth


  • Important for men and women trying to regrow their hair
  • Good for patients who want to preserve the hair they have
  • All natural, no-drug formula
  • Twice as effective as minoxidil in vitro
  • Ingredients proven in clinical trials, then concentrated an additional 400%
  • Use with Apple Diem for maximal results


Finding the cure for male and female baldness remains one of the holy grails of modern science. Researchers tested more than 1000 plant extracts searching for a breakthrough in natural hair growth. Finally, scientists stumbled upon the extracts of unripe green apple skins.

The magic ingredients in unripe apple skin extracts have been found to be polyphenols, specifically Procyanidin B-2, B-3, and C-1. These are the ingredients found in Scalp Sprout which are then concentrated to be 400% stronger than the liquid extracts used in the clinical trials. This allows for a maximally effective product at natural hair growth support.

Scalp Sprout is applied directly to the scalp where hair loss is occurring. In seven clinical trials in humans with hair loss, the following benefits have been noted: significant increase in number of total hairs, increase number of terminal hairs (the thicker hairs, not “peach fuzz”), increase in hair diameter (thickness), 200% better results than Minoxidil, an intensive increase in hair follicle activation and a 79.8% success rate in hormone-related hair loss (such as male pattern baldness).

Taking the apple polyphenols internally with Apple Diem and applying the polyphenols externally with Scalp Sprout allows for maximal hair support.
Remember, growing hair is like tree farming…it takes time and patience. While some patients report seeing new hair growth in the first three months of regular use, the most important sign to look for is a reduction in the amount of hair shedding.

Over the next six to twelve months, you should expect more and more regrowth of new, thicker hairs.

For additional support of natural hair growth, our Natural Pharmacy also has available:

  • Apple Diem
  • High dose Biotin
  • HSN Pro
  • Maiden Fare
  • Strong Body
  • Earth Minerals
  • Formula 40