Triple Homoeopathic Support
Triple homeopathic support for stress, anxiety, as well as mental and physical exhaustion
Important support for burned-out adrenals associated with fatigue and anxiety
Good for patients in chronic stress situations
Targets recovery of mental and physical energy when drained by stress
The STRESS BUSTER KIT is a blend of three homeopathic remedies (PSY-stabil, NEU-regen, and DALEKTRO-N) which are each prepared in the spagyric tradition. Spagyrism is a four centuries old manufacturing process that involves an intricate four-part procedure which includes fermenting the herbs to create an herbal “wine.”
Through this unique spagyric process, the inherent energy and full-spectrum healing properties of the herb are retained in the final product. PSY-stabil supports patients with anxiety, lack of concentration, restlessness, and nervous exhaustion.
Patients can be actively engaged in their daily social and work environments without the concerns of prescriptive therapy (addiction, impairment). NEU-regen helps the body overcome the mental strain and physical exhaustion that typically results from the burdensome demands of our busy lives.
DALEKTRO-N is actually a homeopathic preparation of minerals and electrolytes which sometimes puzzles patients as to why it is included in a remedy for stress and exhaustion.
DALEKTRO-N not only delivers the specific minerals and electrolytes necessary to support patients with exhaustion but also supports the burned out and dysfunctional absorption functions on a cellular level. As such, DALEKTRO-N also targets patients with other mineral and electrolyte deficiency related diseases including anemia, low white blood cells, thyroid disorders, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, and weakened immune function.
Usual Dosage: Use each remedy two times daily, once in the morning and again preferably before 2PM. Take 15 to 20 drops each of PSY-stabil and DALEKTRO-N. Take one teaspoon of NEU-regen for each dose.
Product Handout
Download the product handout here.